Friday, July 19, 2013

Site #77

So here's a few pics from our new site! It's a work in progress of course.

The site before the arrival of the glamper......

Getting set up........"entry" to our site.........

 Workin' on the front yard...........

The backyard.......and the area I'm creating for the birds! I've put it right outside that back window you see on our glamper so I can lay in bed in the morning and watch birds n such ~ love it!

So we created Eli a play spot.....It's grand! Here's what it looked like when we first moved there.......


While we were moving the glamper, I took the weights off of my coo coo clock for the move. Well, while we were outside setting up, Eli was inside doin' a little setting up of his own. Hum...sweet potatoes as weights!!! Lol  This amuzed and amazed me so I had to take pics and post!