Friday, January 25, 2013

Business Name....

So we're thinking bout business names. Lots of thoughts ~ not sure what to choose. I thought about using part of the camper type ~ which is a Holiday Rambler ~ in the title. Maybe like "The Gypsy Rambler". Or "The Holiday Peddler". Let's see....could consider... "Rambling Peddler", "The Peddler Shack", "London Peddler", "Once and Again", "The Fancy Peddler", "London Gypsy", "Rambling Gypsy", "The Sharlaton Shack" HAHA! Anyways.....cast your votes. Or come up with somethin' totally different from what I've named. I'm open!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Burnin' Down The House!!!

Another day of demolition! Went to the RV park's burn pile and burned away! Also, this mornin', we went to Trade's Day's and spoke with the lady there ~ very positive outcome ~ yay! 
Here's some pics of today's work............
Big Helper.......

 Burnin' at the burn pile.......
I found a witches broom inside!!! We burned the witch that owned it ~ lol

 This much was done today........

At full exposure, aluminum walls with studs. I was thinking of covering all the walls losely with all different fabrics and such once the decor part came along. But seeing these aluminum walls kinda makes me step back and wonder bout just having aluminum and maybe stained studs showing. Hum...maybe I should take a vote.......

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Up and Coming Vendor Camper!

So yeah ~ we up and did it! We bought her!!! And boy do we ever have our work cut out! But I'm hopin' and prayin' it'll be worth it. And no, her name will not remain the vendor camper. She'll get a new name.'s some pics on our first day of buying her and then starting to work........First few pics, picking her up. We had to put new (used) tires on or else there would be no towing this baby! And yep, she's pretty rough...but I see a diamond in the rough!

Our camper stash!!!
Walk in the door and ya see the bathroom....before and after pics....we brought it down to this in a day...
Kitchen area...before and after a day's work.......

Front area....we haven't demolished it yet. We've found some neat things we're saving from this camper and we've made the front area our staging spot for keeping things. It'll be demolished eventually though. But we've found and kept things like neat hardware, lights, mirrors, burlap sacks, a vintage box, neat siverware, and other things...and we'll probably save the retro table and such ya see........


Scrap...lot's of good scrap....yay!!!     

And that concludes it for now....stay tuned; more demolishing craziness to come........      

Monday, January 14, 2013

Vendor Trailer??? we spotted this camper on craig's list for cheap! Thinking of buying it, gutting it, and turning it into a vendor trailer for trade shows and such. It's just a thought right now...but it could easily become an action....

Back From The Holidays

So it's been forever since I posted! The holidays had us extra busy. And it was fun, fun, fun! Since I last posted, we've made some changes to our camper. I don't have pics yet of ALL of them...but here's a start.....In the living room area, we tore walls out and redid them...we rebuilt an area for our computer as you will see in the first pictures below. We used old wood we'd stored away and such.........

We worked day and night demolishing and then building back the living area! 

Art work on the ceiling!!!!!! One of my favorites I own. I just HAD to have a spot for it and there were no walls large enough. So...on the ceiling it goes!!!