Friday, September 6, 2013


Today, I am CLEANING! So...while I'm cleaning house, I'm boiling this Rosemary mixture on the stove which ya let set and let cool for several hours. Then, ya take and pour it in a spray bottle and spray your floors, baseboards, furniture, bedding-whatever-and it helps with bugs! And what a fantastic smell. So by the end of the day....this place should be fresh and clean! Oh...and as a bonus...this mixture also wards off and protects against negative spirits! ;-)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Making Tonics

Well it's the New Moon and a good time to make tonics so I hear cuz with a New Moon all the way to the Full Moon, the gravitational pull in the atmosphere helps pull the herbs into your tonic! So, I'll be giving this tonic thing a try!